Handcrafted Vector Art Conversion Service

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Vector Art Conversion Service

Raster to Vector Conversion Services

Transform your dull and outdated images into crisp, high-quality vector art with our R2V Conversion Services. Our skilled technicians use the latest tools and techniques to turn your raster images into beautiful and scalable graphics that bring your brand to life. Whether you’re looking to revitalize your business or simply update your digital files, we provide a quick and affordable solution that meets all your needs.

How do we convert your image to a vector file?

We use Adobe Illustrator to convert your raster image to stunning vector files. First, we allow you to specify what art style you want in the project description, and then, we hand-draw the raster image to meet your specifications.
A raster or bitmap image comprises layers of pixels which are small colored boxes. And a vector file is created by a vector composed of geometrics. Vector files can also be easily edited and are made by better software.
It might be a little confusing because they are all just images to you, but they have different purposes.
For example, a raster image will get pixelated and distorted if you enlarge it because it relies heavily on its resolution.
Thus, you cannot use raster images for advertising and creating products, including billboards, posters, car wraps, mugs, outdoor signs, etc.
When you bring your raster image to us, we will help you convert it to crisp vector files even with low graphics.
How do we convert your image to a vector file

How do we convert your image to a vector file?

We use Adobe Illustrator to convert your raster image to stunning vector files. First, we allow you to specify what art style you want in the project description, and then, we hand-draw the raster image to meet your specifications.
A raster or bitmap image comprises layers of pixels which are small colored boxes. And a vector file is created by a vector composed of geometrics. Vector files can also be easily edited and are made by better software.
It might be a little confusing because they are all just images to you, but they have different purposes.
For example, a raster image will get pixelated and distorted if you enlarge it because it relies heavily on its resolution.
Thus, you cannot use raster images for advertising and creating products, including billboards, posters, car wraps, mugs, outdoor signs, etc.
When you bring your raster image to us, we will help you convert it to crisp vector files even with low graphics.
convert image to vector file
Vector Graphics

When Do You Need a Vector Graphics?

Do you want to avoid lose image quality when enlarging or resizing your graphics? Then you may need a vector graphic. Vector graphics are made up of mathematical equations and geometric shapes, instead of pixels like raster graphics.

This means they can be scaled up or down without losing any image quality.

So, if you need to convert a logo, illustration, or other graphic for use in large format printing, website graphics, or any other application where size changes may be necessary, converting to a vector graphic is the way to go.

What Format Do Our Vector Files Come In?

Transform your raster images into clear and scalable vector files with Vector Wiz. Our experienced team can hand-convert any file type, including PDF, GIF, PSD, PNG, JPG/JPEG, and more, into the Vector image format you need for your projects. Say goodbye to pixelated images and enjoy the benefits of a professional and seamless conversion process.

Upgrade your digital assets with Vector Wiz’s image files conversion services. Our experts specialize in converting Adobe Photoshop files, illustrations, logos and more to scalable vector format. Choose from multiple formats, including AI, SVG, CDR and more, for a professional and customized result.

Top Notch Vector Conversion

Why Choose Vector Wiz For Top Notch Vector Conversion?

Choose Vector Wiz for the most efficient and reliable vector conversion services. Our team of experts follows a step by step process to ensure that your raster images are transformed into high-quality vector graphics without any loss of quality.

Trust us to convert your important graphics, such as logos, illustrations, and more, into vector format quickly and effectively. Experience the difference with Vector Wiz and have peace of mind knowing your digital assets are in good hands.

Some Projects Completed by us

Pricing & Plans

Our pricing plans are created to suit your needs. If you’d like an affordable plan, we have PAYG options available. If you have a regular stream of good amount of works, there’s no better option than our unlimited plan.

Personal Plan

  • Easy Vector Conversion - $2/image
  • Medium - $5/image
  • Hard - $10/image
  • First 3 images free
  • 24 hours turnaround

Professional Plan

$ 500 Per Month
  • File delivery up to 600
  • 10 Days free (No Card Required)
  • 24 hours turnaround

Other Services Area

Our Vector Art Conversion Service is the perfect solution for businesses looking to modernize their digital assets. Our experienced team uses the latest software and techniques to convert raster images into scalable vector art, ensuring a crisp and clean representation of your brand. With fast turnaround times and affordable pricing, this service is an essential part of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

Vector Line Art Services

A morph or skeleton separation from detailed photo vector line draw is essential.

Vector Line Art Services

A morph or skeleton separation from detailed photo vector line draw is essential.

Vector Art Services

When you are going to grab something in artistic way you should choose it by vector art.

Vector Logo Design

Logo is the most common and important thing for identity why not it is by vector.

Badge Conversion

A badge draws mass attention and shows identity. Take professional badge design & conversion.

T-shirt Design

Creative & Colorful T-shirt design can draw customers’ attention & Boost business.

Vector Silhouette Service

Vector Silhouette Service

Transform your photos into clean, detailed vector silhouettes, perfect for logos, illustrations, and custom artwork. Our Vector Silhouette Service ensures sharp edges and scalable designs for any application.

Vector Line Drawing

Vector Line Drawing

Convert your sketches or raster images into precise vector line drawings. Ideal for technical illustrations, blueprints, and detailed art, our service guarantees crisp, editable lines suitable for any project.

Vector Art Conversion

Vector Art Conversion

Bring your artwork to life with our Vector Art Conversion service. We convert raster images into high-quality vector art, preserving every detail and ensuring scalability for any size without loss of quality.

Vector Logo Conversion

Vector Logo Conversion

Enhance your brand identity with our Vector Logo Conversion service. We transform your existing logos into vector format, ensuring they remain sharp and professional across all mediums and sizes.

Image to Vector Conversion

Image to Vector Conversion

Turn any image into a versatile vector graphic with our Image to Vector Conversion service. Perfect for printing, digital media, and more, our conversions maintain high quality and are fully editable.

JPG to Vector Conversion

JPG to Vector Conversion

Convert your JPG images into clean, scalable vector graphics. Our JPG to Vector Conversion service ensures that your images retain their integrity and are ready for any use, from web to print.

Badge Vector Conversion

Transform your badge designs into crisp vector graphics with our Badge Vector Conversion service. Perfect for patches, emblems, and insignia, our vectors maintain detail and scalability.

Pets Vector Conversion

Pets Vector Conversion

Celebrate your furry friends with our Pets Vector Conversion service. We convert photos of pets into charming vector graphics, capturing their unique personalities in a scalable, editable format.

Vehicles Vector Conversion

Convert images of vehicles into detailed, precise vector graphics with our Vehicles Vector Conversion service. Ideal for car enthusiasts, manufacturers, and designers, our vectors ensure every detail is captured.

Make a Lasting Impression with Our Photo Editing Services

With our expert team of graphic designers, we use the latest techniques and tools to ensure that your images are not only visually appealing, but also accurately represent your products or services. Take action now!

Why Should You Choose VectorWiz as Your Vector Art Conversion?

Think precision, affordability, and lightning-fast results, think VectorWiz as your Vector Art Conversion.


VectorWiz has a team of skilled designers trained in advanced image editing techniques. This means that you can trust us to deliver high-quality results and do the job accurately and effectively.


VectorWiz is dedicated to delivering the best possible results for its customers. We use state-of-the-art tools and techniques to ensure your images look polished and professional.


VectorWiz uses advanced technology to provide industries best image masking service. You can expect fast turnaround times, allowing you to get your edited images back in a timely manner.


VectorWiz offers a range of image masking services, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Whether you need to masking a single image or a batch of images, VectorWiz has the expertise.

Affordable Rates

We believe in providing professional-grade services at affordable rates. We offer competitive pricing to ensure our services are accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Customer Service

At VectorWiz, we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service to all our clients. We are always available to answer any questions you may have and provide assistance whenever you need it.

Vector Art Conversion Working Process

Save time, stick to your schedule and relax.

Get Started by Placing an Order

Submit your images for processing. Upload them directly during the ordering process or share them via Google Drive or Dropbox.

You do Your Best Work while We do Our Best

At VectorWiz, teamwork is the key. While you focus on doing your work, we will do our best to make your vision a reality.

Download Done-Work from Delivery Email

When your project is complete, you will receive a delivery email with a link to download your professionally done work.

No Question Unlimited Revisions

VectorWiz knows that perfecting your work is crucial. That's why we offer unlimited revisions until you're satisfied.

Human-powered Vector Art Conversion Services

Carefully vetted in-house Vector Art Conversion photo editors. 

Intuitive workflow and quick turnaround.

An edit you love, or your money back.

Vector Art Conversion Common Questions

You may have a few questions before selecting us for your ongoing vector conversion service. We’ve answered some of the common questions here to help you make up your mind. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us. We’ll be happy to help as soon as possible.

When it comes to filing types such as JPEG and other dot matrix-based formats like PNG, vector files express more complex geometrical shapes and curves than their dot-matrix counterparts. Moreover, when you enlarge a raster image, it undergoes digital transformation. As a consequence, large-scale efforts cannot make use of their services.

On the other hand, the vector image may be scaled to any size and used in any context. Therefore, raster-to-vector converters must be used to change raster picture files into vector-style graphics.

To vectorize raster images in Illustrator, we use several vector conversion techniques. Various raster images need diverse vectorization methods. For example, complicated pictures demand advanced vectorizing algorithms, whereas simple png or jpg images may be traced using a more straightforward approach of image tracing. Nonetheless, an artist’s techniques for directly converting a raster to a vector format are detailed in the following sections:

  1. Start by opening a raster image format via the Illustrator
  2. To view the contour more clearly, enlarge the picture
  3. Using the Pen tool is an excellent means to start learning to draw lines
  4. Color or add tones if required to fill
  5. Kindly wait while you work on the image.

Illustrator’s automatic Image Trace tool may also be used in the case of raster images with basic forms.

Photoshop, Lightroom, illustrator, and other photo-editing tools are often utilized for any picture-editing task. However, the current edition of Adobe Illustrator, which is the best vector tool available, is used to deliver the best raster-to-vector conversion services possible.

Raster to vector conversion is one of our many specialties. The most up-to-date vector conversion technologies are being used by graphic designers that are incredibly informed and skilled. Quality is more important to us than quantity. Our three-step quality assurance process ensures that we provide the best vector conversion service available.

No matter what picture you submit to us, we will vectorize it to the greatest possible standard no matter what picture you submit to us. In our US-based vector design agency, you may get vector conversion and creative design services in printable vector forms.

Our highly professional vector designers will transform our raster drawings into vector pictures without losing quality. In addition, our product testing professionals will examine your vector designs before submitting them to verify that they are of the highest quality.

Vectorizing a photograph is a straightforward process if the image is not very complex. Complex images with many colors, tints, holes, and zigzag edges make converting from raster to vector extremely time-consuming and challenging.

Even though it takes a long time for a skilled vector design organization to vectorize an image, the process is much easier. Manual vectorization processes are common and used throughout the vector conversion process.

Vector conversion from raster images is usually tough for a novice or amateur vector designer. They are likely to fail in their endeavors to generate the best vector design result. 

The answer is an unequivocal yes! To convert raster pictures to vector images, Photoshop includes the functionality. Photoshop is suitable for simple vector design, but we generally recommend Illustrator over Photoshop for better-sophisticated outcomes.

As a worldwide raster to vector conversion organization, we use the greatest raster to vector conversion application, Adobe Illustrator, to convert raster pictures to vectors for our clients.

Illustrator is the tool of choice for most organizations since it is easier to convert any difficult raster image into a vector file format in Illustrator than it is to do it in Photoshop, which does not provide the greatest vector results. Consequently, Illustrator should take precedence over Photoshop when converting raster to vector.

A vectorizing solution may be required if you want to utilize your logo or other corporate identities in large-scale applications such as posters, road signs, or other digital advertising. You may utilize your company logos at any size since vectorizing services preserve the quality of your original raster graphics files.

However, due to the loss of resolution, images seem pixelated and foggy. Consequently, vector image conversion solutions that provide top-notch enlargement photographs are essential if you want to avoid these headaches.

Upon request, we may provide our customers with whatever vector file format they choose. It may be in the form of an EPS or AI file or even a PDF or DXF file.
Anyone may make use of our vector conversion services. We serve a wide range of companies, including e-commerce sites, product photography studios, graphic design firms, and public relations firms.
Vector Wiz has provided this service at a low cost for quite some time. Although it is not cheap, you should be able to afford it. In addition, you may save up to 20percent on the project’s overall cost by submitting bulk photo editing requests.

Changing a vector image to a raster image is a process that involves rendering the mathematical equations that define the vector image into a grid of pixels. This grid of pixels, also known as a bitmap, represents the final raster image, with each pixel being assigned a color value based on the original vector image’s properties.